Photo | Name | PSGId | OOP Date | Sex | Descriptors |
| Terry | unk-n000000673 | Unknown | Female | Gray |
| Thad | tpg-n000000445 | Unknown | Male | Gray |
| Thanatos | mgwam-g000000070 | 12-30-2011 | Male | Gray (Creamino het) |
| The Joker | tpg-n000000516 | 09-23-2011 | Male | Creamino |
| Theo | unk-n000000443 | Unknown | Male | Mosaic |
| Thorn | tpg-n000001042 | 01-02-2016 | Male | Gray (25% possible leucistic het) |
| Thunder | ffr-a000000065 | Unknown | Female | Creamino ~Notes: Reportedly owned by Elizabeth Sherman~ |
| Ti | sse-n000000504 | 05-24-2006 | Male | White face (Creamino het) |
| Tiana | tofro-n000000240 | Unknown | Female | Gray |
| Tickle | psg-n000000587 | 07-20-2018 | Male | Gray: Lion lines (Creamino het) |
| Tidus | unk-n000000278 | Unknown | Male | White face |
| Tiger | anito-a000000048 | Unknown | Male | Gray |
| Tiki | mlg-g000000029 | 05-02-2004 | Female | Leucistic |
| Tiki | unk-n000000672 | Unknown | Male | Gray |
| Tilly | helmo-a000000277 | Unknown | Female | Mosaic: Ringtail ~Notes: No records were kept of her parents. She produces sterile males.~ |
| Tink | tpg-n000000383 | Unknown | Female | Red series |
| Tinkerbelle | daig-a000000090 | 10-00-2003 | Female | Mosaic, Platinum (Leucistic het) |
| Tinkie | stela-n000000925 | Unknown | Female | White face ~Notes: Owned by Katie Burgett~ |
| Tip | unk-n000000946 | 00-00-2000 | Male | Gray |
| Tipper | unk-n000000414 | Unknown | Female | White face |
Total number of listed sugar gliders: | 1424 |